Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Bananas, Ice Cream and Getting Jacked Up!

Tip of the Day: Bananas do not make you fat. I had someone tell me (who happened to be 40 pounds overweight go figure) that because of their enzymes bananas will make you fat. The only way bananas will make you fat is if you eat them too often in a banana split sundae, pulverize your liver with too many banana daiquiris, or give yourself diabetes by using too much peanut butter and jelly while eating an entire loaf of banana bread. That people believe fruit is getting them jacked up just makes me want to laugh.

(Throw some bananas and cherries in there and eat your fruit the fat guy way!)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Water, Hydration and the California Raisins!

Tip of the day: Water Consumption. Start with 1/2 your bodyweight in pounds in ounces per day then base your long term behavior on your biofeedback. Going to the toilet all day? Cut back. Do you look like one of the California Raisins minus the singing and dancing? Then you need a little more. Try not to got bogged down with hard and fast rules. Have a solid starting point and then work from there.

(The dude in the picture above really needs to hydrate!  Honey yeah, yeah, yeah!)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Living Better, 500lb Clean and Jerks and Walking Your Dog.

Tip of the day: Walk your dog! The people around the world who live the longest, most physically viable lifespans aren't out there cleaning and jerking 500lbs or running marathons. They walk, many miles a day. If you want six pack abs then diet. If you want better health and vitality then walk. Better yet walk your dog. Don't have one? Then visit your local animal shelter and walk one of the dogs there.

(I have no idea what is going on in the photo above but here is a link that will help you find your local animal shelter.  Please check it out!)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Tip of the day: Learn to take a day off. Yesterday there was no tip of the day because I was fried. Ignore biofeedback at your peril because the body will always win. If something hurts, then stop doing it. If you are genuinely tired, then rest. I knew this guy who proudly said he would get enough sleep when he died. The jackass had a heart attack at 35. That is something to think about.

(You think you are mentally tough? You think you are driven? You think you are the master of the universe and the laws of physics dont apply to you? So did the sad sack in the photo above and now he is screwed. His portfolio can't save him. ...Neither can his lawyer or his accountant. And sure enough those funny looking pants he was wearing while golfing sure aren't going to help. I have seen one of these close up and there is nothing humorous about it. Please do not ignore this tip of the day.)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cheeseburgers, Morality, and Adolf Hitler

Tip of the day: Don't associate the things you eat with morality. When you start labeling certain foods either good or bad you only compound the emotional issues that most people with weight problems face. Hell, Adolf Hitler was an anti-smoking vegetarian. Does that mean if I eat a cheeseburger that I am bad and he is the next Pope? The whole concept is pretty absurd.

(Adolf Hitler = Worlds Biggest Douchebag.  You would think somebody could get him some gel for that random lock of hair.  If you are going to be the biggest sociopathic killer in history you might as well at least look the part.)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Crossfit, Clients and Individual Needs

Tip of the day: "Make the program fit the client, not the client fit the program" (Scott Abel). Ask me about Crossfit or whatever and I reply with the above. If you expect me to go for or against a program I won't. There is no ultimate exercise solution. Training is only effective to the degree that it meets the need of the individual it is being applied to, neither good or bad, just more or less appropriate.

(Before anybody gets their jock strap in a bunch I learned about this photo from an actual Crossfitter who was working out at my gym one day.  He thought it was funny and saw it as a compliment.  Said it motivated him even more.  I believe the photo is of some troops in either Iraq or Afghanistan.  Their ingenuity is incredible! Crossfit works very well for those guys due to the simplicity of the equipment needed, its specificity to their job demands and the fact that most of those guys/gals are freaking animals when it comes to working out.  They tend to be young and capable of doing what the system requires both from a physical, injury and mental standpoint.)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Longevity, Antioxidants and a Lack of Control

Tip of the day: "Longevity" Supplements = Junk. Antioxidants will not make you live longer. Diet, exercise, and supplements can only help you get more out of the years you have. Longevity is a combination of luck, genetics, environment and lifestyle. When it comes to how much time you have before your demise it is difficult to prove which one of those factors are responsible. It could be any combination of them.

(Sometimes we just have to learn to accept that there are a lot of very important things out there which are not in our control)

Friday, June 10, 2011

Feudalism, Meal Planning, and Semi-Consciousness

Tip of the Day: Eat Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, and Dinner like a Pauper? What is this the middle ages? There is no way I am going to eat my biggest meal of the day when I am half conscious. Strive to balance your calories throughout the day and leave the feudalism in the garbage pile of history where it belongs.

(When was the last time you made it to your local Barber for a good old fashioned bleeding?)

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Check out this awesome nutrition blog site! It is chock full of useful information!

Fat Loss Pills and a really BIG tummy!

Tip of the Day: Take a look at the picture below. I very much doubt that thing is filled with Chocolate Covered Hydroxycut's. Do yourself a favor and ditch the fat loss pills. The odds are you didn't get overweight eating pills so there is a good chance you won't get thin eating them either. Take a hard look at your behaviors and then ask yourself if you are consistently doing the things necessary to succeed at whatever goal it is you set. Such self discovery is a lot harder than popping a pill but at least it actually works.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Goal Setting, Wine Pairings and Learning to Manage Expectations

Tip of the Day: With goal setting most people get it ass-backwards. They set the goal first and then expect the behaviors to follow. You need to set goals based who you are, not who you hope to be. That means doable changes. If you cannot wrap your head around the fact that all meals do not require a wine pairing, then six pack abs probably aren't a very realistic goal for you.

(Writers Note*  The woman in the picture is not a midget.  That is just one gigantic bottle of wine!)