Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wall Street, Exercise and Dementia

Tip of the Day: Exercise is not just for Meatheads any more!  Recent research has shown that physical exercise of 150 minutes or more a week has a GREATER protective effect against the onset of dementia than doing Sudoko, Brain Exercises, Crosswords Puzzles etc. 

The point to take home here is that working out is no longer only an effective option just for people who want a six pack.  Staying fit is as important to enjoying ones retirement as your stock portfolio is.  

Due yourself a favor and every time you go Gordon Gekko style and put on your suspenders to check the NYSE Ticker ask yourself “Did I get my 150 in this week?”.  Remember, having money and lots of free time is great only if you are actually able to enjoy it.  

Is greed good?   How the hell should I know.  After seeing a couple close friends watch their parents slip into the horror of dementia I can tell you that it is one thing I would want to put off for a very long time.  For my sake and for theirs

Friday, September 23, 2011

Good Looking Women and Cheese Sandwiches

Tip of the Week: If you want to guarantee yourself a lifetime of poor self esteem and image issues just go up to someone with a different body type than yours and tell them "You are the goal". This happened today at the gym during a conversation between two women. 

The sad thing is the woman who said it was just as HOT as the woman she said it to, she was just built a little different. But because the other woman was "skinnier" all that got thrown out the window. 

One of the foundational keys to staying motivated to work out is to focus on consistent behaviors and feeling good. You start going around telling somebody else you want to be them and not just a better 
version of yourself is pretty much like buying a fast track ticket to nowhere.

If you want to know how HOT these women were understand they could have melted a cheese sandwich from across the room (Naked Gun). For you technical types out there we are talking about a minimum of 225 degrees. That’s boiling baby!
A special thanks goes out to someone who was instrumental in the writing of this post. However due to hotness confidentiality reasons that person must remain nameless.