Friday, July 15, 2011

The Reality of the Lean Lifestyle

Tip of the day: If you want to be ripped and promote fitness this doesn't mean chug a bottle of Johnny Walker Red and then smash your local Dunkin Doughnuts in an cheap alcohol enduced rage.
I once asked a successful bodybuilder what was his key to being lean almost year round. His answer, "I plan my day around my meals and not my meals around my day". I then asked him "What if you work full time?". His response "I work 16 hours a day running my own business, if you want your body to look a certain way then you will make the time to do it, no excuses".

Is the above lifestyle necessarily normal, natural, or easy? Probably not but it is the reality of what it takes to be in the kind of shape you think you want to be. Sometimes the principles behind being really lean are as simple (note I did not say easy) as the picture above.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Tony Robbins, Pancakes, and Self Honesty

Tip of the day: Super Guru Tony Robbins once said “Nothing tastes as good as thin feels”. He must never of had my Sunday morning Pancakes. The reality is that there are a hell of lot things that taste better than thin feels. They key isn’t to brainwash yourself into believing mistruths but instead to come to the honest realization... that while certain foods do taste great, due to their caloric density they simply cannot become part of your everyday diet if your goal is to lose weight. Hence why I call them Sunday morning pancakes and not “Pancakes for the three dozen times a week I don’t feel good about myself".

Please note: That is indeed a stock photo and not an actual photo of my Sunday morning pancakes. The reason why is that my Sunday morning pancakes never last long enough to actually be photographed. You would more likely see a photo of the Yetti before you glimpse an image of my floury goodness.