Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Nort Jersey, Seal Team Six, and Fat Loss Pills

I have this buddy; he is a school teacher up in Nort Jersey. Yes, Nort Jersey. Right now spell check is getting pretty confused as I am sure you are too so let me explain.

North Jersey comprises of the North Central and North Western Portion of the state of New Jersey. It is known for is scenic views, happy little country like hamlets, and it’s fine cuisine of homemade cheeses and good squirrel cookin.

Nort Jersey comprises of the North Eastern Part of the State. It comprises less of towns and more like “Places”. When I say places I mean like Newark, Teaneck, Hackensack, Union City, Bayonne and the always sunny North Bergen. Nort Jersey is really more an attitude and a state of mind than it is a real geographic entity. If you are still confused just watch the opening scene of the Sopranos…that is Nort Jersey.

(Welcome to Nort Jersey. Now go home you Fonzanoon.)

So anyway, my buddy has been teachin (they don’t teach up in Nort Jersey, they teachin) there for a couple of years when he gets this great offer by the school district to attend the Worlds Teacher Conference in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It was a reward for being one of the area’s most outstanding young educators.

Pretty big honor you could say.

Now the day before my buddy, let’s call him Mikey the Fish, is about to ship off one of his fellow teachers approaches him. No big deal you might say but in the three years Mikey had been there this guy never even muttered a word to him. Not even once despite the fact that their classrooms were right next to each another.

All Mikey knew was this guy had a reputation for being strange. So strange that nobody even understood what he taught. Some people thought he taught art. Some people thought he taught music. Some people thought he taught a combination of both. Bottom line is nobody really wanted to ask.

So this guy comes up to Mikey the Fish and doesn’t say hello, how are you, or even introduce himself. All he says is, and this is seriously true:

“Don’t ever have sex with one of those Prostitutes. You will never want to have sex with a normal woman ever again”.

And with that this Art/Music teachin dude turns around, walks into his classroom and never talks to Mikey ever again.

Now anybody who knows Mikey the Fish knows he is a really good guy. A real professional. But Mikey is also very conservative, in a real way. Not Conservative like in he passes legislation to ban Gay Marriage or lower taxes only to be found hooking up with dudes in airport bathrooms and defrauding the IRS of millions. I mean conservative like he would be the last person you would ever think would be on the prowl for some “professional” help of that kind.

Still, the wacky Art/Music teachin dude had a good point. As a society and culture we expect more from our Professionals whether they are of the Athletic Arena, the Business World or the even the skin trade. We expect a high level of performance and a higher level of execution.

No better example of this can be found with the heroic actions of U.S. Navy’s Seal Team Six and their recent dispatching of Dirt bag Numero Uno, Osama Bin Laden.

(Move over G.I. Joe, here are the REAL American Heroes)

Any combat solider will tell you there is nothing really heroic about taking another human beings life. To them that is their job. They swore to protect the United States of America so that is what they do.

The true heroism in these men does not lie in the killing, that is something made up by the movie industry. The true heroism is in the teamwork, the skill level, and the relying on the man next to you to cover your back even as you walk straight through the fiery gates of hell into your next mission, operation or global hot spot de jour.

And yet despite all those incredible odds and challenging situations I must ask “Are we really surprised by any of this?” These are the Navy Seals for crying out loud. Translated from Latin Navy Seal roughly means “One bad mama Jamba”.

The reason I bring all this up is because recently a client of mine had a scare when both he and his wife were given mislabeled prescriptions from a Pharmacist. Lucky enough nobody was seriously hurt but it does bring up a pretty good point.

I know when I go to the Pharmacy I don’t even give a second thought to what it is I am being given. Why? Because Pharmacists, Doctors and other members of the medical field are some of the best trained and highest esteemed professionals in the world. We expect more from them and rightly so since often times they hold the balance of life and death within their hands.

Granted this is just one isolated incident out of the millions and millions of interactions that take place in the medical community each day but could you imagine if this was the norm. Could you imagine an industry where the very essence of Professionalism is thrown out the window only to go splat on the sidewalk like a hefty bag filled with Lipton Onion soup dropped off the top of the Empire State Building?

Well let me introduce you ladies and gentlemen to the Supplement Industry. They bring a new meaning to the word professionalism and it isn’t a good one.

(To be continued)


  1. This was, as always, a great blog, but the sentence, "Thanks, DR. SLAUGHTER," takes the cake. Couldn't do better than that if you tried...
